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this.Ingredients = new CraftingElement[] {
new CraftingElement<Eco.Mods.TechTree.CircuitItem>(1f),
new CraftingElement<Eco.Mods.TechTree.BrickItem>(typeof(IndustrySkill), 80f, IndustrySkill.MultiplicativeStrategy, typeof(IndustryLavishResourcesTalent)),
new CraftingElement<Eco.Mods.TechTree.SteelItem>(typeof(IndustrySkill), 50f, IndustrySkill.MultiplicativeStrategy, typeof(IndustryLavishResourcesTalent)),
Line with `CircuitItem` is used for a fixed quantity, in this case: always need 1 circuit, level 1 or 7.
Two others line will use reduction strategy and lavish bonus for the cost of ingredients, BrickItem and SteelItem in this case.